Student Mental Health

Dr Laura Wetherill, PhD

Dr Laura Wetherill, PhD

I was an anxious student that battled with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression throughout my studies and career. From this experience stems a passion for student wellbeing. My aim through Doctor Me Clever is not only to enthuse the next generation of scientists with the power of visual language but to also support their mental health. Through collaboration with licensed marriage and family therapist Kimberley Quinlan (CBTSchool), I hope to create a series of resources to help students face the overwhelming thoughts and emotions that the pressures of education may bring.

I am thrilled to be collaborating with and to introduce you to this incredibly talented and compassionate woman.

“My name is Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT.  My biggest goal is to help others face their fears.  We live in a world where we are taught to run away from fear, take away our pain and remove discomfort.  However, I have found that we only know our true strengths by staring our fear right in the eyes.  My hope is to support Laura in her mission to help students learn while also making space for their fears and emotions.  It is a beautiful day to do hard things!

Our first resource, tackling procrastination, can be found right here!

Doodle Clipart

Doodle Clipart + Names Logo white bkgd.png

Doodle clipart is an exciting, new collaboration between myself and Germany’s @doodleteacher. With a joint love of doodling, we aim to create a myriad of cool and engaging cliparts to be used in educational material across the world. Click here to check out our efforts so far!